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To prevent the activation of platelets during the procedure, strong mechanical forces (e.g. fast pipetting, vigorous shaking) should be avoided. In addition, the platelet inhibitors indicated in the protocol can be used, but other inhibitors exist as well. It is the researcher's choice to select inhibitors that are most suitable for their studies and experimental goals.
Examples of applications for isolated platelets are:
Western blotting, flow cytometry, ELISA, and immunocytochemistry/ immunofluorescence, to investigate cellular and signaling processes within the platelets. Platelet aggregation and adhesion upon stimulation with various agents can be studied as well as the release of granule components upon activation.
Unless platelets are used in tissue culture experiments, the reagents do not need to be sterile. Store and use all buffers at 4°C, unless indicated otherwise.
ACD buffer (acid-citrate-dextrose)
39 mM citric acid, 75 mM sodium citrate, 135 mM dextrose, pH 7.4.
Before use, warm up to room temperature and adjust pH if necessary.
CPD buffer (citrate-phosphate-dextrose)
16 mM citric acid, 90 mM sodium citrate, 16 mM NaH2PO4, 142 mM dextrose, pH 7.4.
Before use, warm up to room temperature and adjust pH if necessary.
Platelet wash buffer
10 mM sodium citrate, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% (w/v) dextrose, pH 7.4.
Before use, warm up to room temperature and adjust pH if necessary.
HEP buffer (HEP refers to HEPES in the buffer)
140 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 3.8 mM HEPES, 5 mM EGTA, pH 7.4.
Before use, warm up to room temperature and adjust pH if necessary.
Tyrode's buffer
134 mM NaCl, 12 mM NaHCO3, 2.9 mM KCl, 0.34 mM Na2HPO4, 1 mM MgCl2, 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4.
Depending on experiment, warm buffer up to room temperature or keep on ice before use.
2X platelet lysis buffer
2% NP40, 30 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM EDTA, pH 7.4.
Blood Collection Notes
The first step of this procedure includes obtaining the whole blood and preparing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) by centrifugation. The centrifugation conditions can vary widely (e.g. from 800 x g for 5 min to 100 x g for 20 min), but give consistently good separations.
A phlebotomist should draw blood into a Becton Dicinson Vacutainer® (containing ACD, yellow cap) or into a plastic syringe containing 1/10 volume of CPD buffer. The volume of blood needed depends on the experiment. A volume of 40–45 ml blood results in average 1–3 x 109 platelets. The platelet number can vary depending on the individual the blood is drawn from.
Fig 1. Schematic representation of blood constituents