Hi-Fi cDNA Synthesis Kit (ab185916)
Hi-Fi cDNA Synthesis Kit -
Effective and efficient preparation of cDNA from RNA can help ensure reliable data in various downstream applications including real-time qPCR and RNA/cDNA-sequencing. Abcam's EpiSeeker Hi-Fi cDNA Synthesis Kit (ab185916) has been optimized and validated for cDNA synthesis from various RNA samples, particularly from bisulfite-converted RNA and enriched RNA fragments. The kit contains all necessary components including a highly sensitive and thermostable recombinant reverse transcriptase which provides enhanced cDNA synthesis efficiency, high fidelity, and a wide range of activity for varying amounts of RNA templates (0.1 ng to 2 µg). Due to its high thermal stability, low RNase activity and resistance to inhibition by rRNA and tRNA, the recombinant RT included in the kit can be used for synthesis of long cDNA products at temperatures from 42°C-60°C using total RNA, and GC-rich templates such as bisulfite converted RNA. A recombinant RNase inhibitor is also included in the kit to prevent the degradation of target RNA due to ribonuclease contamination.
RNA isolated from various tissue or cell samples can be used as starting material. The amount of RNA for each reaction can be 0.1 ng-2 µg. For optimal reaction, the input RNA amount should be 200-500 ng.
Store at -20°C. Please refer to protocols. -
内容 20 tests 10mM dNTP Mix 1 x 25µl 5x RT Reaction Buffer 1 x 100µl DTT (100mM) 1 x 50µl Random Primer 1 x 25µl RNAase Inhibitor 1 x 25µl RT Enzyme Mix 1 x 25µl
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参考文献 (1)
ab185916 は 1 報の論文で使用されています。
- Han T et al. HIF-1a contributes to tube malformation of human lymphatic endothelial cells by upregulating VEGFR-3. Int J Oncol 54:139-151 (2019). PubMed: 30431105