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Experience the specificity and reproducibility benefits of recombinant antibodies with our economical 10 µl sizes for selected primary, recombinant monoclonal, multiclonal, and conjugated antibodies. With our trial sizes, you can easily test your antibody or perform pre-screening before committing to a larger quantity purchase.
To determine if a trial size is available for a particular antibody, look out for the tag circled below:
To find out more about the benefits recombinant reagents can bring to your research, click here.
To help you save time searching for the most compatible clone for your assay, we have created antibody panels that provide you with the best products for multiple target analysis in a cost-effective and convenient format. Each panel contains a selection of hand-picked, well-validated clones from our catalog, eliminating your need to pre-screen. As each clone is provided in a trial size, these panels are ideal for starting new projects or when you require less volume.
Contact our Scientific Support team to help you choose the best products for your research needs.
Support and services for Abcam products
With our trial-size antibodies you will still receive the great services we provide with all our products: